Will my role in the teaching/learning process change?
I like the comparison of the teacher as "guide on the side" rather than "sage on the stage" when considering the role of the teacher in project-based learning. Rather than being at the center of instruction and responsible for dispensing all information, the teacher is responsible for providing students with the tools and resources necessary to investigate topics and create their own understanding based on their findings.
What are the skills of effective facilitation?
In order to effectively facilitate, a teacher must plan ahead to effectively manage the project. An engaging entry event and a strong driving question will pique students' interest in the topic from the beginning. Strategic grouping will also support student learning. Recognizing students who would be effective and not effective in groups together and analyzing students' strengths and grouping accordingly are also important to guiding student success.
Will the students develop the competencies and skills needed to be successful?
In my project students will be able to develop the competencies and skills needed to be successful in a couple of ways. The first way is through the use of mini-lessons. Having the ability to search websites for useful information is going to be one of the most important skills for student success. Prior to expecting students to perform this task, it will be important to provide instruction on how to find information using preselected websites and search engines alike. Another way that students will develop skills necessary for success is through group work and support. Collection of information will be done as a group, and in this way students will support one another. Students who struggle with concepts like measurement, computation, or reading comprehension can work with others who have a stronger understanding. This allows the students to work on building skills with peer support.
What changes will you need to make in order to become an effective facilitator in your PBL unit?
In order to be an effective facilitator for my PBL unit, I will have to ensure that all components of the project are well-planned prior to the beginning of the project. During the project I will need to monitor student progress to ensure that students are meeting deadlines and that they understand the tasks that they are to complete. I will reflect upon student learning throughout the project and incorporate mini-lessons to guide instruction as it becomes necessary.
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