Saturday, November 16, 2013

Digital Divide/Digital Inequality

Here is the link to my digital divide presentation.

I enjoyed the inclusion of my colleagues in this assignment.  Throughout the semester I have discussed many of the topics we have covered in the classes I am taking with my co-workers, but this time their input was a necessity.  To gather information, I created a Google Form and asked anyone who was willing to take the time, to take the survey.  I was not surprised by the results that I collected.  It is very apparent in my school who is comfortable with technology, and who is not.  There is also a group of staff members who feel that showing a reading or math video on a SMART Board is great example of technology integration, and may not even be aware of other uses for the technology we have.  This is not the fault of the teachers themselves, though.  Without a leader to guide the process, they can't be expected to be technology integration professionals.

When I sent out a link to the Google Form I created, explaining the assignment I was working on, one of the administrators in my building asked if I would be willing to share the results at a staff meeting.  I am going to try to meet with my building principal first, so that she is aware of what I will be presenting.  I think that some of the proposals I make in this presentation have the potential to cause some anxiety for some staff members who are resistant to change.  However, I am excited to have the opportunity to discuss digital divide and its relevance to Pine Butte Elementary and hope that this can be the first step to incorporating some change in my school.

Thank you for viewing my presentation, I look forward to any feedback that can be provided.


  1. Hello Kim
    I enjoyed reading your presentation. You did a great job of outlining the issues of digital divide and inequality. Thank you for pointing out that their is a difference between knowing how to use a devices versus how to effectively integrate a device. It was also very helpful how you pointed out that it is our role as educators to collaborate on different integration strategies. Overall, I really enjoyed the information and suggestions you made throughout your presentation. I especially liked the graphic you used on slide 6. Also, I believe on slide 6 that some of your text got partially moved underneath your image. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I enjoyed how precise and informative your presentation was. I like how you mentioned the challenges encountered on the Cheyenne reservation as well as other isolated regions of the country. I grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico which is surrounded by several reservations and I remember this being a issue for them as well. Living in a major city now that is one way that our students are at an advantage. Access is always available as long as they have the means to get it. I think you would be a great technology coach for your school and you are absolutely right that "We must be willing to adapt and embrace change for the educational well-being of our students".

  3. Kim,
    I really liked what you said about your technology staff showing everyone how to use the technology but the fact that they do not have a teaching background means that using it effectively is another story. That goes perfectly with what you said about people thinking technology is some kind of magic trick. We need to make sure that the students are getting the most out of using technology, not just using it because it is there and new. Great job.
