Sunday, September 29, 2013

RSS in Education

I had a huge learning curve to attend to with this particular assignment.  Before we started using RSS a couple of weeks ago, I had heard of the topic, but had never used it.  So, my first challenge was to learn about RSS and what exactly the purpose of it is.  Screen casting is also something that I had never used.  I explored a variety of the free screen casting tools provided to us, and a few of them just wouldn't work on my computer.  One of them worked initially, but then stopped working when I tried to use it a second time.  My frustration level was very high at this point.  Once I settled on Webinaria, I was able to successfully complete my screen casts.

When I first began looking into RSS, I had a hard time grasping its use in my classroom.  I have a group of third graders who are very enthusiastic about technology, but haven't had to use it much for educational purposes.  However, once I began to understand more about RSS feeds, I came up with the idea to use an RSS feed for my class to use in conjunction with their blogs.  One of the challenges we are facing with the Smarter Balanced test coming up in the spring, is the lack of typing skills that the students have at such a young age.  By using the RSS/Blog assignment combination, not only are the students practicing and reinforcing their reading and writing skills, but they will also have more practice with typing out their thoughts.  I am now very enthusiastic about beginning this assignment with my students.

I am glad to have had the opportunity to explore RSS.  It is a convenient and useful tool that I intend to use much more, both personally and professionally, in the future.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Elements of Educational Technology

Please click here to view my Elements of Educational Technology response.

Reading the AECT definition of educational technology and how each element impacts the field as a whole was very interesting to me.  I had to read the entire document a few times and give the content some time to sink in before I was able to think through the information that was actually being presented.

One month ago, prior to beginning this semester's courses, I am realizing that I had only a vague idea of what educational technology is because I was only thinking about it in reference to how it pertains to myself as an educator.  The AECT definition opened my mind to all of the different components of the field of educational techology, and how symbiotic each element really is.  I had never stopped to think how all of the resources I was using in the classroom actually came to be.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Welcome to my EDTECH Learning Log!  This site will serve as a space for me to share experiences and artifacts that I have created as I complete the required courses to obtain my Masters of Educational Technology degree from Boise State University.

I am just beginning my sixth year teaching at Pine Butte Elementary School in Colstrip, Montana.  I taught first grade for four years, and am now starting my second year of third grade.  I have been a technology-integration coach for teachers in my school district for the past three years.  I work with teachers in both formal and informal settings to assist them in using and understanding the technology we are expected to use in our classrooms.  This year, my duties were expanded to training our substitute teachers to use this technology as well.  I will also be conducting training for our district staff on how to effectively utilize interactive whiteboards in their classrooms.  I have taught similar courses at a community college the past two summers, and I am excited to be able to present this information to my co-workers, as many of them have wanted to take the courses I have offered before, and haven't yet been able to do so.

We are in the midst of a huge "technological revolution" of sorts in my district.  This comes in large part, because of changes in state-mandated standardized testing, but also as a reflection of how education is transforming in the 21st century.  In the coming weeks, all students grades 3-12 will have the opportunity to begin learning in a 1-to-1 environment.  I am anxious to see how increased access to technology (in my classroom specifically) will benefit the students.  I think I have decided to pursue a M.E.T. degree at just the right time!

I am enthusiastic about all that I will be learning, creating, and sharing throughout the next two years as a student in the EDTECH program at BSU.  Please check back to follow my progress and offer any comments or constructive criticism you may have.